My hobby is reading books. I like to read novels and magazine during my free time. Reading makes me feel peace and I can learn new words by reading books. One of my favorite novel is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott because it is about emotional depth. The novel delves into the emotional lives of its characters, portraying their joys, sorrows, triumphs, and setbacks in a way that feels authentic and heartfelt.

Besides that, I am a cinema lover too. I like to watch movies and tv shows in various genre. Watching movies make me feel like I am the character in the movie and  I can express myself throughout the movie. I like many kinds of movie but the one I love the most is drama. Drama movies might be slow paced but we can learn many things and it can make us a better person. One of my favorite movies is The Pursuit of Happyness which is released on 2006. This movie is very relatable in real life situations and this movie really touched my heart.
